Getting started
Principles of note-takingDaily journalingLinking your notesReal-world examplesGetting started with ReflectProduct
How to use ReflectUsing backlinks and tagsKeyboard shortcutsSplit pane viewSecurity and encryptionNote historyImport, export, backupsAdvanced SearchArtificial IntelligenceUsing templatesBookmarking websitesPublishing notesCalendar and contactsAudio memosCompany
Our teamOur valuesRoadmapContact usRefund policyHow to publish notes
Reflect offers one-click publishing of your notes. Simply hit the publish button and your note will be publicly available behind a long hard-to-guess url.
To see an example of a published note, check-out our values. We try to keep the style clean and branding to a minimum.
How do I un-publish a note?
Simply hit 'un-publish'.
How does this work with the end-to-end encryption?
When you publish a note, behind the scenes we are un-encrypting the note and sending it to our servers so they can show it.