
Getting started with Reflect

Getting started

To get started with Reflect, we recommend using our desktop or web apps. We'll create an account for you as soon as you try to log in.

We offer a two week free trial (no credit-card is required).

Use our web app. We support Chrome and Safari. Go to web app →
Use our desktop and mobile clients. We support macOS and iOS. Download clients →

Onboarding video

Setup process

There's a three part process to the setup process. You'll need to initially do it on the desktop or web app (before setting up the iPhone app).

  1. Authentication with email, Google, or Apple.
  2. Graph setup (where you create an encryption password)
  3. Download your password recovery kit (happens automatically), and save somewhere safe
  4. Onboarding steps (quick tutorial)

iPhone app

Once you've run through the setup process above, use TestFlight to install our iPhone app.

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Use our API without coding Zapier integration →